Hey! Howdy! How's it goin'?
Welcome to my homepage, we're so happy you could join us! (:
Please don't mind the mess, hard to keep up with things around here. I'm sure you get it.
I mainly plan to use this site as a place to put my various creative pursuits.
Eventually you'll be able to find my [many] shrines for things I love,
anti-shrines (Fifth Circle) for things I can't stand, actual reviews of
media that I don't put on my rating sites, and of course aforementioned creative content.
To the right, the Winamp window is fully functional [just like real Winamp], movable,
and fully stocked with music made 100% by me! Enjoy messing around with it!
[I recommend collapsing the middle [equalizer] panel on the homepage]
Currently only the About and Projects pages are functional
[Individual project pages in the works]
Best viewed on any browser in 1920x1080. [I use Hardened Firefox]